Year 6 presented a fantastic Coffee Concert on Tuesday. We were treated to a marvellous display of musical talents including singing, piano, violin and even sign language!

On the piano Sofia LW, Margarita and Maud impressed us with their accurate and skilful playing. We were lucky enough to listen to one of Mrs Dixon’s favourite pieces ‘Vivaldi’s Spring’ as a violin duet from Elizabeth and Ilia.

The concert also featured a series of outstanding solo vocal performances from Ruby B, Wylder, Arianna, Manon, Sofia T, Ruby Z and Remi. All of these performances were delivered with remarkable character and musicality. The programme culminated beautifully with a vocal trio consisting of Amanda, Olivia and Soraya singing ‘Smile’.

I am so proud of the hard work that was displayed during this concert. Preparing for a musical performance demands determination and perseverance, along with the courage to stand in front of an audience. I hope that this experience has helped equip our students for the many performances that lie ahead in their musical journeys.

Miss Houlder, Head of Junior School Music