This term Year 1 have been learning about toys of the past in their history lessons. We have spoken a lot about how toys are made, their materials, their purpose and how all of these things have evolved over time. Last week we designed our very own toy and had to think critically about how it could come to life using our very own classroom materials. This week we were so fortunate to watch this project come to life with help of our Year 6 buddies. The girls came down for a morning of crafting, building, collaboration and problem solving! We had marble runs, football fields, balloon pops, fishing games and caterpillar races. It was excellent to see Year 1 and Year 6 girls work so harmoniously together and have a lot of fun with the toys! We look forward to collaborating more with other year groups as this was such a terrific success!

Miss Sharp, Year 1 Class Teacher

Year 6 and Year 1 Buddies (3)