On Thursday morning, Year 3 travelled to St James’s Park to take part in a ‘Nature, Navigation and Nastiness’ workshop. Luckily the sun was shining, and it was a beautiful day to learn outside of the classroom.

Our session began by thinking about our location, looking at maps and identifying key landmarks. Our leader, Alek, then took us around the park and told us all about the history of this famous place, including some nasty facts about former Kings!  Then it was over to the girls.  In groups they used their maps to orienteer around the park and find out answers to the given questions. The girls thoroughly enjoyed learning lots of interesting facts about this amazing location and the wildlife within it. Did you know that there were once elephants and crocodiles living in St James’ Park!?

Miss Dixon, Year 3 Class Teacher

Year 3 Trip to St James's Park (1)