Ahoy, mateys!

Our Year 1 adventurers recently embarked on an exciting voyage to the heart of London, where they stepped back in time to the golden age of piracy. Their destination? The legendary Golden Hinde, a magnificent ship that once sailed the high seas under the command of the infamous Sir Francis Drake.

As the girls arrived at the bustling South Bank, they were greeted by the sight of the majestic Golden Hinde, its masts reaching for the sky.

On board the Golden Hinde, the girls discovered where pirates slept, ate, and plotted their daring escapades. They peeked into the cramped crew quarters, imagining the rough-and-tumble life of seafarers. The creaking wooden decks echoed with tales of buried treasure, fierce battles, and hidden maps. We even had some very strong girls practise pulling up the anchor from the sea!

The highlight of the trip? Preparing a cannon for firing! Under the watchful eye of Pirate Alice, our Year 1 buccaneers learned how to clean and load the cannon, adjust the angle, and light the fuse. Boom! The air trembled as the cannon roared, sending imaginary cannonballs hurtling across the Thames. Arrr, what a thrill!

Finishing our ship tour, the girls engaged in a lively quiz, answering questions about famous pirates, their flags, and the Jolly Roger building on from everything we’ve learnt in history so far this term.

A bonus for our trip was the added geography link towards our topic of the United Kingdom. We walked past many famous London landmarks which really brought our learning of natural and human features to life!

A wonderful voyage for all!

Miss Sharp, Year 1 Class Teacher

Year 1 Trip to the Golden Hinde (1)