Year 4 Cricket
Year 4 cricket saw a mixed set of results against Norland Place, with a notable win and two close losses. Star players included Eleonora for the A team, Mira for the B team, and Elizabeth for the C team.
Running Club Celebrates Global Running Day
On June 5th, the Running Club celebrated Global Running Day, gearing up for Sports Day by practising for our fundraising charity Open Mile. The event supports Miss Houlder, Mrs Krupa, and Mrs Russell, who aim to raise £1,000 for In Deep by running the ASICS 10km on Sunday 14th July.
Year 3 Cricket v The Hampshire School
In our cricket fixture against The Hampshire School, it was great to meet some of their pupils before September. Congratulations to Eliza, who was nominated star fielder, and Marlena, who was star batter.
Miss Feeney, Head of Junior Games