With the girls now settled into the routine of school life, our Year 6 pupils are stepping up to their top-of-the-school status. This week they met the Reception girls they are buddied with for activities over the course of the year.  They will meet with their buddies to read, play board games, do puzzles and always be a friendly face to help the younger girls around Francis Holland Prep.

The first buddies event began with a fun cookie decorating session and our Year 6 girls did a wonderful job getting their buddies set up and helping them decorate their cookies with a selection of rainbow-coloured icing. There was lots of lively chatter as the girls got to know each other and it was so lovely to see them playing together in the playground at lunchtime.

The buddy system is a valuable, positive force for all – it fosters a sense of belonging for the Reception girls and helps the Year 6 girls develop their sense of responsibility.

Buddy Cookie Decorating