Years 3 – 6 (Key Stage 2)
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By Key Stage 2, Francis Holland girls are confident and curious. They thrive on exciting, rigorous and ambitious learning from inspiring teachers who make lessons fun and engaging.
At Key Stage 2, we aim to grow the girls’ love of English Literature and reading for pleasure. Pupils are introduced to a wide variety of texts from the literary canon, including Shakespeare, a combination of classic and contemporary novels and poetry, as well as non-fiction works such as biographies, travel writing and media texts. We believe English Literature creates empathetic and sensitive young people, who can communicate their thoughts and feelings effectively.
Maths is taught with a strong sense of challenge, in the form of problem solving and reasoning tasks, which allows the girls to apply their skills and show a real depth of knowledge. As children progress through the school, the maths they are exposed to becomes increasingly complex and in the upper years most children are working well above the national curriculum level. Our high ratio of staff means that strengths are recognised, and we can work together to stretch and challenge every pupil.
In science lessons, the girls enjoy developing the skills needed to carry out practical investigations with great care and precision whilst still having plenty of fun in the process. Science lessons in our specialist STEAM facility are an exciting step forward in their learning journey. The girls develop greater independence and responsibility when setting up and conducting practical work. Weekly STEAM lessons provide opportunities to problem solve, innovate and invent, whether we are building stable structures out of chocolate or constructing working fairground rides!
At Francis Holland, the girls study the following humanities: geography, history and religious education which are taught by a combination of classroom lessons, trips, workshops and visiting speakers.
The geography curriculum inspires a curiosity and fascination in the world. Girls are taught about geopolitics through the map of the modern world, discovering more about the Earth’s human and physical features to understand how these are connected and change over time. Together, we consider and reflect on the impact humans have on Earth. We encourage the girls to become better global citizens with a strong sense of social responsibility.
The history curriculum encourages girls to be inquisitive about the past which in turn develops their understanding of the world today. In addition to learning facts and dates, we research and discuss primary and secondary sources, reflecting on them and questioning their reliability. The annual History Day sees the girls take on the role of a historical character – bringing history to life!
Religious education promotes respect and open-mindedness towards others with different faiths and beliefs, and encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging. We study a variety of religions as well as Christianity, in which the school’s ethos is deeply rooted. The girls regularly attend services in our local church and benefit from having our own Chaplain, shared with the Senior School.
In Year 3, girls begin to study French or Spanish, taught by specialist teachers within the school timetable. There is also the opportunity to study a variety of modern foreign languages, at beginner and native speaker level, through the co-curricular programme. In Year 6, the girls have a weekly Latin lesson taught by a specialist teacher and, as part of their enrichment programme, Mandarin is taught in the Spring and Summer Terms.
In computing, pupils learn to use of a wide range of software to improve their digital literacy and confidence in independent problem solving.
As well as stretching and challenging the girls through innovative lesson activities and resources, including using 3D printers and modelling software, we place emphasis on helping girls to identify online threats and act as responsible digital citizens.