Congratulations to our runners who competed at Westminster Cross Country this week. Alexia and Isabella in Year 4 placed second and third respectively and Eva in Year 6 was placed in the top ten of her section.
We have had a very busy week starting with a Saturday Netball tournament against 20 London schools hosted by North London Collegiate Schools. Congratulations to Sofia for being nominated as most influential player in the mid court. The girls enjoyed experiencing such a big event in a wonderful setting, particularly with a jacket potato match tea afterwards! Our games afternoons teams this week have been hosted by Brighton College Kensington for Year 4, and Glendower Prep for Year 5.
Our week rounded up on Wednesday with a 4-way swimming gala against Broomwood Hall, Hornsby House and Thomas’s Clapham. Some great wins in individual races to come third overall.
Miss Feeney, Head of Junior School Sport