Pastoral Care

At Francis Holland Prep, we firmly believe that the happiness and well-being of each child is essential to brilliant learning. School must be a happy place where your daughter’s curiosity is inspired, nurtured and nourished; where she runs (or scoots!) into school every day in eager anticipation of interesting lessons, taught by inspiring teachers.

In our supportive community, we recognise and nurture the unique qualities of every girl whilst promoting the values of kindness, respect, and care for one another and the world around us. Francis Holland Prep cultivates a cheerful, supportive atmosphere where girls are encouraged to embrace a growth mindset, fostering a spirit of adventure, risk-taking and confidence.

Every girl at Francis Holland is seen and heard, supported by our close-knit structure as a two-form entry school, with dedicated Teachers and Teaching Assistants for each class. Our Class Teachers play a pivotal role in overseeing academic progress as well as pastoral and social needs.

Complementing this dedicated team are our Subject Specialist Teachers, actively engaged in monitoring and supporting individual progress. Our Head, Mrs Dixon, and Senior Deputy Head, Miss Smith, are available during the day and their doors are always open. Moreover, there is first aid provision at all times to provide immediate care for any bumps and bruises. The School Nurse is available three days a week and offers invaluable advice and care.

Fundamentally, the girls know they have access to caring adults for a chat or help at any time.

Buddies System

At the beginning of the academic year, a pair of Year 6 girls are buddied with a pair of Reception girls. Over the course of this important time for both year groups, girls meet to read, play board games and puzzles, sharing their learning and work.

The buddy system is a valuable, positive force for all. Reception girls have the comfort of friendly faces who can show them around the School as well as teach them FHS’s unique playground traditions and games! For the Year 6s, it gives them the opportunity to take on responsibility in a leadership role amongst their peers which is an important skill in preparation for Senior School.

Francis Holland Preparatory School Code of Conduct

To make our school a friendly and happy learning community:

  • We are committed to always doing our best, even in the face of challenge

  • We show compassion to others when they are in need of a helping hand

  • We work collaboratively to make our school a positive place to learn and celebrate each other’s successes

  • We believe in ourselves and tackle each day with confidence

  • We show curiosity when we are learning and ask questions to further our knowledge

  • We communicate effectively with our teachers and peers

  • We believe creativity is at the heart of all our thinking and learning

  • We hone our crafts through regular practise and dedication


Our school founder, Reverend Canon Francis Holland, was Chaplain to Queen Victoria and later Edward VII. Today, Francis Holland maintains its distinct Christian ethos. Reverend Lucinda van der Hart, our chaplain, seeks to teach and encourage girls in the Christian faith, as well as supporting girls of other faith backgrounds in our school community. We value a courageous, curious and respectful approach to the exploration of individual faith and the beliefs of others.

Reverend van der Hart leads school assemblies and church services, often held at St Luke’s Church on Sydney Street, a 6-minute walk from the School. She also oversees termly prayer breakfasts in which parents and staff, from both Francis Holland Prep and Francis Holland, Sloane Square, come together to pray for the schools.

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